Review of Oxford Handbook of Language Contact. By Anthony P. Grant, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics forthcoming, 1700 words.
Review of Nominal Contact in Michif. By Carrie Gillon and Nicole Rosen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 35.1, pp. 186-189.
Tribute to Ted Blodgett (1935-2018 ). Canadian Review of Comparative Literature. 45.4 (2018). pp. 531-34.
Bringing Joseph Home: Theory and Pragmatics of a Translated Ghazal from Hafez-e Shirazi. Conference presentation, Roads (Not) Taken: Literary Translation in Iran. Jordan Center for Persian Studies, University of California at Irvine, 7 May, 2018.
Review of Haitian Creole: Structure, Variation, Status, Origin. Albert Valdman. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 33.1 (2018), pp. 203-205.
Poem. Sad To Be A Child. California Quarterly, 43. 3.
Transcription into French of some subtitles for two documentaries, Burkinabè Rising: The Art of Resistance in Burkino Faso and Burkinabè Bounty: Agroecology in Burkina Faso. Directed by Iara Lee. Caipirinha Productions, Cultures of Resistance Films. https://culturesofresistancefilms.com
Review of Pidgins, Creoles & Mixed Languages: An Introduction, Viveka Velupillai. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2015. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 32.2 (2017), pp. 443-46.
The Artefactual Voice Within. In Translation Effects. Kathy Mezei, Sherry Simon and Luise von Flotow, eds. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 262-80.
African Poetry in French. In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Fourth Edition, Roland Green, ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 16-17.
New light on the historical coalescence of Chinuk Wawa / Chinook Jargon: Horatio Hale and his “Esteemed Friend” John Kirk Townsend (Henry Zenk, first author). Annual Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (with the LSA). Portland, OR, 6-7 January, 2012.
Review of From Creole to Standard: Shakespeare, Language, and Literature in a Postcolonial Context, Roshni Mooneeram. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 38.3, 1000 words.
“Edmonton is Fun, After All”. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature [special issue: 40 Years in the Discipline of Comparative Literature in Canada], 36.2, pp. 178-181.
Jazz. In Encyclopedia of African Thought, Vol II, Abiola Irele and Biodun Jeyifo, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 18-21.
Boas, Chinook Jargon, Q’ilti, and the Chinookan Poetic Legacy. In Franz Boas – Kultur, Sprache, Rasse. Wege einer antirassistischen Anthropologie, Friedrich Pöhl and Bernhard Tilg, eds. Reihe: Ethnologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft Bd. 19, Wien, LIT-Verlag, pp. 77-95.
BLUE STREAK: a new Canadji. A short renga with Seymour Mayne. Printed in a limited, private edition.
Making Wawa: The Genesis of Chinook Jargon. Vancouver: UBC Press, 198 pp.
Review of Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages, Magnus Huber and Viveka Velupillai, eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2007. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, 24.1, pp.183-186.
Tem morna, tem coladera: as raízes cabo-verdianas da música universal de Cesária Évora. Literatura scripta,11, Centro de Estudos Luso-Afro-Brasileiros da PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, pp. 155-166.
Basilects in Creole Literatures. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, 20.1 pp. 85-99.
Primer of Haitian Literature in Kreyòl. Research in African Literatures, 35.2, pp.128-140.
African Literatures in the Year 2050. In Globalizing Africa, M.S. Smith, ed. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, pp. 511-516.
Gloss in Omeros: Derek Walcott’s Patwa. In A World of Local Voices: Poetry in English Today, Klaus Martens, Paul Morris, Arlette Warken, eds. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 75-83.
Review of Empire, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, and A Theory of Post-Colonial Literature, Alfredo J. Lopez. Canadian Literature, 178, pp. 134-37.
Review of Frantz Fanon, Un Portrait, Alice Cherki. Research in African Literatures, 34.4, pp. 175-77.
Cannibalizing Bossa Nova. In Music, Popular Culture, Identities, Richard A. Young, ed. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 197-213.
Review of Palabres: Pidginisation et créolité en littérature antillaise (numéro 2.3 [1999]), Research in African Literatures, 33.1, pp. 205-206.
Gligli et foufou: Mal diglottique, ou vertige polysémique aux Antilles. In Atlantic Cross-Currents: Transatlantiques, Micheline Rice-Maximin et al. eds. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, pp. 35-47.
Le Dedans et le dehors de l’ijtihad chez Mernissi et Djebar, Confluences 19, Écritures de femmes. Articles réunis par Corinne Alexandre-Garner. Paris: Université de Paris X, pp. 43-52.
One Man’s Sande: Roger Dorsinville’s Photographic Initiation. In Post Colonial Stories by Roger Dorsinville: In the Shadow of Conrad’s Marlow. Ed. Max Dorsinville. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2001 [reprint].
L’art photographique de Roger Dorsinville. In Actes de l’Association pour l’étude des littératures africaines, Paris: APELA, pp. 18-28.
Review of Yambo Ouologuem: Critical Essays, Christopher Wise. Research in African Literatures, 32.1, pp. 136-38.
Entwisted Tongues: Comparative Creole Literatures. Amsterdam: Rodopi Editions, 324 pp.
Hardly More Intelligible than Chinese Itself: A Brief Account of Chinese Pidgin English. Asian Englishes 3,1, pp. 21-38.
Translation from, to, and within the Atlantic Creoles. TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction 3.2, pp. 11-28.
Preface to The Rule of François (“Papa Doc”) Duvalier in Two Novels by Roger Dorsinville: Realism and Magic Realism in Haiti. Max Dorsinville. Lewiston, N.Y.: Mellen Press, pp. v-viii. http://ile-en-ile.org/roger-dorsinville-preface/#r1
Review of Islands and Exiles: The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature, Chris Bongie. Comparative Literature Studies, 37.2, pp. 258-60.
Chaos and Creoles: Notes on a New Paradigm. In Language Change and Language Contacts in Pidgins and Creoles, John Hamilton McWhorter, ed. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 443-457.
Ranald MacDonald and Anne of Green Gables: Comparative Literature, Canada/Japan, in Reports of Serial Lectures on Canadian Studies. Tokyo: Meiji University Centre for International Programs, pp. 43-49.
Review of History of Literatures in the Caribbean, vol. 1, Hispanic and Francophone Regions, A. James Arnold, ed. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 25.1-2, pp. 296-98.
Stephen Arnold Declared “Friend of Africa”. Research in African Literatures, 30.1, pp. 204-206.
Deux non‑classiques de la littérature africaine: L’Écart de V. Y Mudimbe et Le Temps de Tamango de Boubacar Boris Diop. In The Growth of African Literature, Edris Makward et al., eds. Trenton, NJ : Africa World Press, pp. 105-115.
Review of L’Afrique plurielle, Albert S. Gérard. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 24,.2, pp. 299-305.
Islands, Enclaves, Continua: Notes toward a Comparative History of Caribbean Creole Literature. In History of Literatures in the Caribbean, A. James Arnold, ed. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 29-56.
Papiamentu, The Caribbean Paradigm and Cultural Fractality. In Latin American Postmodernisms. R.A. Young, ed. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 87-102.
Creole, languages and cultures and Pidgin languages. In The Dictionary of Global Culture, Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates, Jr, eds. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, pp. 158-159, p. 520.
African Poetry in French. In The Princeton Handbook of Multicultural Poetries, T.V.F. Brogan, ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 6-7 [reprint].
Prolégomènes à l’étude du doublage. In Language and Literature Today: Proceedings of the XIXth Biennial Congress of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures, Neidi de Faria, ed. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia, vol 1, pp. 398-402.
Jihad, Ijtihad and Other Dialogical Wars in La Mère du printemps, Le Harem politique, and Loin de Médine. In The Marabout and the Muse, Kenneth W. Harrow, ed. London: Heinemann, pp. 1-22.
Literary Crioulo Since Independence. Luso-Brazilian Review, 33.2, pp. 53-63.
Review of Crioulo de Guiné-Bissau: Filosofia e sadedoria, Benjamin Pinto Bull, and Kriyol Syntax. Alain Kihm. Luso-Brazilian Review, 33.2, pp. 113-14.
One Man’s Sande: Roger Dorsinville’s Photographic Initiation. Research in African Literatures 26.4, pp. 151-167.
Two-Faced Literatures: A Caribbean Creole Dilemma. In Latin America as Its Literature, M.E. de Valdés, M. Valdés, R.A. Young, eds. Council on National Literatures World Report Vol. VIII. Whitestone, N.Y.: Council on National Literatures, pp. 188-201.
Trajectoires parallèles et destins divers du voyageur canadien-français et du bandeirante brésilien. In Les Discours du Nouveau Monde au XIXe siècle au Canada français et en Amérique latine. New York, Ottawa: LEGAS, pp 123-130
Review of Myth and History in Caribbean Fiction: Alejo Carpentier, Wilson Harris, and Édouard Glissant, Barbara J. Webb. Comparative Literature Studies, 32.3, pp. 445-48
Review of African Novels and the Question of Orality, Eileen Julien. Comparative Literature Studies, 32.1, pp. 95-97.
Ostende: Roman de la génération lyrique. Cité Libre (Montréal), 23.2, p. 35.
Remembering Roger Dorsinville. Research in African Literatures, 25.3 (Fall), pp. 171-175 [collaboration with Max Dorsinville, and translation].
Le Lexique français des voyageurs dans le jargon tchinouk avant 1846. Revue québécoise de linguistique théorique et appliquée (séptembre). Special issue: Le Français des Amériques, Robert Fournier et Henri Whitman eds., pp. 247-264.
Le Regard de la reine: Esthétisation du désir politique chez Boubacar Boris Diop. Nouvelles du Sud 19, pp. 106-116
No hay centro: Postmodernism and Comparative New World Literatures. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 20.1, pp. 105-124
African Poetry in French. In The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Alex Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan, eds. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp.15-17
Review of In Theory, Aijaz Ahmed; The Rhetoric of English India, by Sara Suleri; Masks of Conquest, Gauri Viswanathan. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 20.3-4, pp. 552-56.
Review of Press Freedom in Africa, Gumilla Faringer. Research in African Literatures, 24.1, pp.127-29.
Les avantages spirituels de l’ALENA. Cité Libre (Montréal), 21.2, p. 10.
Qui détient l’atout maître? Cité Libre (Montréal), 21.1, p. 26.
Le Nouveau monde de Derek Walcott. Cité Libre (Montréal), 20.9, p. 33.
Translation: Strange Seizure, Anne Hébert, Ellipse 50, pp. 36-37.
Kribich, «cribiche», écrevisse: L’Avenir de l’Éloge de la Créolité. In Convergences et divergences dans les littératures francophones, Daniel Deltel, ed. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 170-181.
Yambo Ouologuem, Boubacar Boris Diop, The Trickster and the Signifying Monkey. In Textes africains & voies/voix critiques: Littératures africaines et antillaises, Claude Bouygues, ed. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 171-184.
La Belle Altérité: Towards a Dialogical Paradigm in Translation Theory? Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 19.1-2, pp. 237-251.
Literary Sources of Lingua Franca (1300-1830). Neophilologus, 76 (1992), pp. 64-76.
Voyageur Discourse and the Absence of Fur Trade Pidgin. Canadian Literature, 131, pp. 51-63.
Review of Contexts of African Literature, Albert S. Gérard. Literary Research / Recherche littéraire 19, pp. 28-29.
Review of The Poet’s Africa, Josaphat B. Kubayanda. College Literature 19.3/20.1, pp. 258-60.
Translation: Dear Uncle Napoleon, from the novel in Persian by Iraj Pezeshkzad (1968). Chanteh: A Cross-Cultural Quarterly 1, pp. 22-29.
Sisyphe heureux. Cité Libre (Montréal) 20.8, pp.22-23.
Review of Ekbert Faas, Woyzeck’s Head. Edmonton Journal, January 12, 1992.
Translation: Mist, Alphonse Piché. Ellipse, 47 (1992), pp. 36-37.
Through a Prism Darkly: Orientalism in European-Language African Writing. In Faces of Islam in African Literature. Kenneth W. Harrow, ed. London: Heinemann, pp. 299-311.
In Every Clime: Literary Notes around the Discovery of Sranan-Tongo Creole. Dutch Crossing, 44, pp. 60-75.
Review of Scribe, Griot & Novelist: Narrative Interpreters of the Songhay Empire, Thomas A. Hale. Literary Research/Recherche littéraire, 16-17, p. 42
Review of Theories of Africans: Francophone Literature and Anthropology in Africa, Christopher L. Miller. Literary Research / Recherche littéraire, 16-17, p. 55.
Review of Lecture sémiotique de L’Anté-peuple, de Sony Labou Tansi, Nadine Fettweis. Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, 25.3, pp. 496-97.
Review of L’Utopie ambiguë: la Suède et la Norvège chez les voyageurs et essayistes français (1882-1914), Vincent Fournier. Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 18.1, pp.102-104.
Review of The Acacia, Claude Simon. Edmonton Journal, June 23, p. C8.
Le Pen de l’Ouest: Lettre d’Edmonton. Cité Libre (Montréal) 19.1, pp.18-19.
L’espace entortillé des littératures créoles. In Actes du XIIe Congrès de l’Association International de Littérature Comparée: Espace et frontières, Douwe Fokkema et Roger Bauer, eds. Munich: Iudicium Verlag, vol. 4, pp. 97-102.
Literary Aspects of Creole Bibles, with Particular Reference to the Haitian Bib la. In Semper Aliquid Novi: Mélanges offerts à Albert Gérard, Littérature Comparée et Littératures d’Afrique, Alain Ricard et János Riesz, eds. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 123-130.
L’Élite. In Dictionnaire internationale des termes littéraires. Fascicule 6. Direction scientifique Jean-Marie Grassin. Université de Limoges. Berne: Éditions A. Francke, pp. 553-558.
La Fontaine Transmogrified: Creole Proverbs and the Cric? Cric! of Georges Sylvain. The French Review, 63.4, pp. 679-693.
Review of Paintings on the Move: Heinrich Heine and the Visual Arts, Suzanne Zantrop (ed.), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 17,3-4, pp. 171-73.
Review of The Beekeeper, Keith Henderson. Edmonton Journal November 25, p. G7.
C.L.R. James: Obituary. African Literature Association Bulletin, 16.1, p. 15.
Review of The Narrative of Liberation: Perspectives on Afro-Caribbean Literature, Popular Culture, and Politics, Patrick Taylor. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 16.1-2, pp. 320-23
Review of Approaches to Discourse, Poetics and Psychiatry, Iris M. Zavala et al., eds. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 16.1-2, pp. 272-74.
Review of Frankophone Literaturen außerhalb Europas, Janós Riesz. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 16.1-2, pp. 315-18.
Review of Solidarités: Tiers-monde et littérature comparée, Max Dorsinville. Research in African Literatures, 20.3, pp. 526-28.
Review of Black Literature and Literary Theory, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., ed. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 15.2, pp. 346-48.
Review of Littérature et développment, Bernard Mouralis. Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 15.1, pp. 166-67.
Ellipse, Ellipsis: What Could Not Be Said. Ellipse 40, pp. 22-23
Translation: Jean Cadieux’s Complaint at Calumet, Anon. Ellipse 40, pp. 24-27.
Literature in the Gold Coast and Pre-independence Nigeria. In European Language Writing in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vol. 1, Albert S. Gérard, ed. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó for the International Comparative Literature Association, pp. 108-116.
National Consciousness and Class Consciousness in African Writing. In European Language Writing in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vol. 2, Albert S. Gérard ed. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó for the International Comparative Literature Association, pp.1061-1073.
Periphery as Paradigm: Creole Literatures and the Polysystem. Poetics Today, 8.3-4, pp. 529-537.
Text, Identity and Difference: Yambo Ouologuem’s Le Devoir de violence and Ayi Kwei Armah’s Two Thousand Seasons. Comparative Literature Studies, 24.4, pp. 387-402.
Review of Pays natal, Max Dorsinville. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 14.2, pp. 326-329.
Review of Race, Writing, and Difference, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., ed. Canadian Philosophical Review, 7, pp. 346-48.
Translation: Erable rouge, Lumière, d’Albert Lozeau, Ellipse 38 (1987), pp. 32-37.
Translation: Medje Vézina, de Pauline Adams, Ellipse 35 (1987), pp. 45-53.
Modernisme africain et révolte poétique: Tchicaya U Tam’si. In Actes du Xe congrès de l’Association internationale de littérature comparé, II: Poétiques comparées, Anna Balakian et al., eds. New York: Garland Publishing, 1986, 442-445.
Soyinka’s—and Africa’s—Nobel Prize. African Literature Association Bulletin, 12.4, pp. 18-19.
Review of Essais d’histoire littéraire africaine, by Albert S. Gérard, African Literature Association Bulletin, 11.4, pp. 21-23.
Translation: A Poetry of Frontiers: A Comparative Study of Canadian and Québec Poetry, by Clément Moisan. Victoria, B.C.: Press Porcépic. In collaboration with Linda Weber.
Review of Myth, Literature and the African World, Wole Soyinka. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 9.2, pp. 255-59.
Comment naît une nation. In Actes du VIIIe congrès de l’Association internationale de littérature comparée, II: Littératures de diverses cultures au vingtième siècle. Béla Köpeczi et György M. Vajda eds. Stuttgart: Bieber, pp. 337-341.
Épitomé: Tchicaya U Tam’si et sa saison au Congo. Revue Canadienne des Etudes Africaines, 14, pp. 295-305.
Van Toorn and Tibullus. Canadian Literature, 87, pp. 151-53.
Review of Études de littérature africaine francophone, Albert S. Gérard. Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 7.4, pp. 483-486.
African Inspiration and New World Nationalism. In Proceedings of the VIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association. Stuttgart: Erich Bieber, pp. 319-23.
From the Pictograph to the Metapoem: Realms of Concrete Reference in Brazilian Concrete Poetry. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 3. 2, pp. 101-20.
Review of African Literature in French, Dorothy S. Blair. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 5.3, pp. 390-93.
Témoignage: Tribulations of a Québec Translator. Ellipse 21, pp. 108-10.
Review of Les Contre-littératures, Bernard Mouralis. Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 4.2, pp. 227-32.
Translation: Plus qu’un imagiste. Ellipse 20 (1977), pp. 102-9.
Translation: Ode, de Jean-Aubert Loranger, Ellipse 20 (1977), pp. 22-9.
Review of Caliban Without Prospero, Max Dorsinville. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 2.3, pp. 289-94.
Translation of Jacques Roumain, “Preface to the Life of a Bureaucrat” Caliban 1, no. 2, pp. 28-39.
Translation with David A. McMurray of René Depestre, “Three Poems”. Caliban 1, no. 2, pp. 74-81.
Conferences and Presentations (1975-2009)
Edmonton is Fun, After All: 40 Years in the Discipline of Comparative Literature in Canada. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association, The Congress, Carleton University, Ottawa, 24 May, 2009.
Abolition and Creoles. Routes to Freedom: Reflections on the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. The Law Society of Upper Canada, Ottawa, 14 March, 2008.
The Collapse of the Lower Chinook Population and Subsequent Effects on Chinook Jargon. Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Amsterdam, 15 June 2007.
Blind Mice: Long Tails and Literary Canons. American Comparative Literature Association. Puebla, Mexico, 15 April 2007.
Early Chinook Jargon and Mühlhaüsler’s Social Typology of Pidgins. Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Anaheim CA, 5 January, 2007.
Tem morna, tem coladeira: The Capeverdean Roots of Cesária Évora’s World Music. African Literature Association, Accra, Ghana. 19 May, 2006.
Recent Debates in Creole Linguistics. Poster presentation at the Institüt für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Innsbruck, 28 April, 2003.
Imagining a Bibliotheca Universalis of Creole Literature. African Literature Association Conference, The New Alexandrian Library, Alexandria, Egypt, 22 March, 2003.
La pidginisation de la langue tchinouk dans les glossaires de Gabriel Franchère et d’Alexander Ross, circa 1812. Colloque international des études créoles, Réunion, Océan Indien, 23-30 October, 2002.
Soirée débat avec Alice Cherki, autour de son livre, Frantz Fanon, Un Portrait. Fédération des Ateliers de Psychanalyse. Paris, 25 January, 2001.
The Jargonization of Nootka and the Nootka in Chinook Jargon. Perspectives on Canada, Centre for Canadian and Anglo-American Cultures, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany), 19 January, 2001.
Le dilemme diglottique et les littératures créoles. Arbeitskreise Literaturwissenschaft, Institut d’Études Romanes, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 15 January, 2001.
The Jargonization of Nootka and the Nootka in Chinook Jargon. MLCS Lecture Series, 19 October, 2000.
L’Art photographique du romancier haïtien Roger Dorsinville. Journée d’études de l’APÉLA (Association pour l’étude des littératures africaines), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 22 September, 2000.
Le Dedans et le dehors de l’ijtihad chez Mernissi et Djebar. La problématique du dedans et du dehors dans l’écriture des femmes du maghreb. Colloquium sponsored by the Centre de recherches espaces/écritures, Bibliothèque Durrell, Université de Paris X, Nanterre, France, 28 January, 2000.
Reading of Six Poems. Day of International Poetry on the Saar River, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, 24 October, 1999.
Glossin Omeros: Walcott’s Patwa. A World of Local Voices: English Language Poetry Today. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, 22-23 October, 1999
“Hardly More Intelligible than Chinese Itself”: A Short History of Chinese Pidgin English. 5th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Asian Englishes, Seisen University, Tokyo, 25 June, 1999.
Idiom and Illocution in a Papiamentu Anti-AIDS Photo-novella. The Linguistic Circle, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, 2 December, 1998.
Ranald MacDonald and Anne of Green Gables: Comparative Literature, Canada and Japan. Two Lectures on Canadian Studies, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, 23/30 June, 1998.
Applied Creole Linguistics in the Caribbean: Literacy and the Creole Continuum. Linguistic Circle, Modern Languages and Comparative Studies, 6 April, 1998.
Albert Gérard, Multiculturalism and Hybridity. African Literature Association, Austin, March 27, 1998.
African Literature and the New Millennium. African Society Day, University of Alberta, 28 February, 1998
Creoles and the Caribbean. Guest lecture in English 382 (Edmonton). 30 January, 1998.
Pidgin and Creole Languages. Guest lecture in Anthropology 208 (Edmonton). 18 November, 1997.
Vaudou. Guest lecture in Religious Studies 274 (Edmonton), 10 November, 1997.
The Zul-qarnein of Sura 18 and Driss Chaïbi’s La Mère du printemps.Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, 23 November, 1997.
Défense du doublage: Comment traduire au cinéma. Journée du Savoir, Faculté St-Jean, Edmonton, 7 March, 1997.
Gender and Jargon: Voyageur Wives and the Founding of Chinook Jargon. Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Chicago, 6 January, 1997.
Existe-t-il une identité pan-caraïbéenne? Créolissimo, Colloquium/International Festival, York University, 22 October, 1996.
Musique et développement identitaire dans la Caraïbe francophone. Créolissimo, Colloquium / International Festival, York University, 23 October, 1996.
Chaos and Creoles: Towards a Non-linear Creole Dynamics. Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, San Diego, 5-7 January, 1996.
La transgression kabuverdianu du crioulo: Oju d’Agu, de Manuel Veiga. Association pour l’étude des littératures africaines (APÉLA), Universidade International, Lisbon, 22-23 September, 1995.
Exil/Excision: L’Initiation féminine d’un photographe haïtien. Diaporame en 24 images. Interdisciplinary Seminar on Cultural Practices in Romance Languages, 4 March, 1995.
A la page: Constitution et figuration du discours académique à partir des catalogues commerciaux. Guest lecturer in French 699 (Edmonton), 9 February, 1995
Didier Eribon’s Michel Foucault. Seminar on the Passions of Biography. Department of English, 18 January, 1995.
Lateinamerikanische Denken: Recent German Language Work on Latin American Culture Theory. Seminar Posmodernidad y América Latina, Romance Languages, 3 December, 1994 / 27 January, 1995.
Comme lui je descends le boulevard Saint-Michel: Rilke and other ‘Western’ Angels in Cheikh Hamidou Kane’s L’Aventure ambiguë. Modern Languages Association, San Diego, 27-30 December, 1994.
Papiamentu and the Fractality of Culture. Colloquium: Cartografías Latinoamericanas de la Posmodernidad, University of Calgary, 19 November, 1994.
Trajets parallèles et destins divers du voyageurs canadien-français et du bandeirante brésilien. Colloque international Les Discours du nouveau monde au XIXème siècle au Canada-français et en Amérique latine, Université d’Ottawa, 29 September-1 October, 1994.
Ladinização and Capeverdean Creole Genesis. Joint Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics and the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of Guyana, Georgetown, Guyana, 24-28 August, 1994.
Two-Face Literatures? The Caribbean Creole Dilemma. Roundtable on New World Perspectives on the “Modern” and the “Postmodern,” XIVth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Edmonton, 15 August 1994.
The Ecology of Caribbean Creolization: Chamoiseau’s Texaco and the Creole Chronotope. Canadian Comparative Literature Association meeting, Learned Societies, Calgary, 6 June, 1994.
Plakatwelt: Max Bense’s Esthetics of Technology and the Origins of Concrete Poetry. International Association for Philosophy and Literature conference, Edmonton, 3 May, 1994.
The Transcultural Imperative: Site and Polemic Position in L’Éloge de la Créolité. Special Session on Reading Caribbean Creolization, Modern Languages Association, Toronto, 29 December, 1993.
L’Impératif transculturel à la lumière de Lévi-Strauss. Seminar on Cultural Practices in Romance Languages, University of Alberta, 15 October, 1993
Is Postcolonial Theory Glossophageous? Or Who’s Afraid of Vikram Seth? The Edmonton Conference on Postcolonialism, Edmonton, 2 October, 1993.
Prolégomènes à l’étude du doublage. XIXe Congrès de la Fédération internationale des langues et littératures modernes, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil, 25 August, 1993.
Presentation in French and Guadeloupean Creole of the 1993 Fonlon-Nichols Award to Werewere Liking. 19th Congress of the African Literature Association, Point-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, 18 April, 1993.
Langues qui se lovent: Orientations de recherche. Département de littérature comparée, Université de Montréal, 16 April, 1993.
Mal diglottique et vertige polysémique aux Antilles. Département de littérature comparée, Université de Montréal, 15 April, 1993.
La Naissance d’un cinéma africain? Tilaï d’Idrissa Ouedraoago. Interdisciplinary Seminar: Images and Cultural Practices in Romance Languages, University of Alberta, 2 April, 1993.
Invited Chair: Paper and discussion by James Lockhardt (UCLA), “Editing Native Sources: Nahuatl Accounts of the Conquest. Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems: Editing Exploration Texts, University of Toronto, 7 November, 1992.
Le Lexique du français des voyageurs dans le jargon tchinouk d’avant 1846. Colloque Le Français des Amériques, Carleton University, 25-27 September, 1992.
The French Voyageur Component of Early Chinook Jargon. Rupert’s Land Research Centre 1992 Colloquium: Wickikapawistatowin — Standing Together, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 6-9 February,1992.
Le Regard de la Reine: Désir politique et Les Tambours de la mémoire de Boubacar Diop. Colloque Esthétique et engagement dans les littératures africaines, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France, 14-15 December, 1991
Éloge de la créolité: Désaveu du créole, repli stratégique, catalyseur culturel? Colloque «Convergences et divergences des littératures francophone» Université de Paris X, 8-9 February, 1991.
Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature. Literary Theory Series, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, 15 January, 1991.
The Discourse of the Coureur de bois and the Absence of Fur Trade Pidgin. American Society for Ethnohistory meeting, University of Toronto, 1-4 November, 1990.
Le Discours du coureur de bois mesuré à la hune des langues mixtes. Avant 1860: Discours et langages au Canada Congress, University of Toronto, 17-20 April, 1990
Tracer la différence: Comment traduire la francophonie? Lecture before the Department of Romance Languages, University of Alberta, 10 January, 1990.
Vers une typologie des littératures créoles. VIe Colloque International du Comité International des Études Créoles, Cayenne (Guyane française), 28 September, – 5 October 1989.
Deux ‘non-classiques’: L’Écart de V. Y Mudimbe et Le Temps de Tamango de Boubacar Boris Diop. 14th Annual African Literature Association conference, Dakar, Senegal, 23 March, 1989.
Invited speaker: Orientalism in Europhone Sub-Saharan African Literature. Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa conference, Michigan State University, 10-11 March, 1989.
From Travelogue to Dialogue: The Curious Dialogues of Lahontan, 1703. 5th HOLIC Colloquium on Literary Genres, University of Alberta, 3-5 November, 1988.
L’Espace entortillé des littératures créoles. International Comparative Literature Association Congress, Munich, Germany, 22-27 August, 1988.
Is There One or Are There Many Caribbean Creole Literatures? Encuentro caribeño, Unidad y Diversidad en el Caribe, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 3-5 March, 1988.
Comparative Difficulty: Tchicaya U Tam’si and Christopher Okigbo. Modern Language Association, San Francisco, 30 December, 1987.
The Ghost in the Machine: The Authorial Spectre in Hubert Aquin and Boubacar Boris Diop. Modern Languages Association, San Francisco, 29 December, 1987.
La Fontaine Transmogrified: Creole Proverbs and the Fables of Georges Sylvain. International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM), 17th Congress, Guelph, 19 August, 1987.
Transcription Stew: Literacy and Development in Creole Literatures. Canadian Association of African Studies, Edmonton, 15 May, 1987.
Alphabet Soup: Literacy and Development in Creole Languages. African Literature Association, Cornell University, 6 April, 1987.
The Author as Trickster: From Yambo Ouologuem to Boubacar Boris Diop. African Studies Association, Madison, 1 November, 1986.
Ouologuem and Armah: Annealing Versus Healing Despair. African Literature Association Congress, East Lansing, 7 April, 1986.
Creole Literatures and the Concept of Literary Canon: The Cases of Mauritius, Cape Verde and Sierra Leone. American Comparative Literature Association, Ann Arbor, 15 March, 1986
Modernism in Canada and Brazil. Xth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, New York, 20 August, 1982.
La Poésie concrète au Canada: idéologies et formes littéraires. Séminaire dans le cadre du Centre des recherches sur l’Amérique anglophone, Université de Bordeaux III, 10 January, 1980
Contradictions in North American Third World Literary Ideology. Canadian Comparative Literature Association, Montréal, 14 October, 1978.
Literary Problems in the Translation of Polemics. Colloquium on Translation Studies, VIIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Budapest, 20 August, 1976.
The Semiotics of Semiotics. Canadian Comparative Literature Association, Learned Societies, Edmonton, 27 May, 1975.
La crise au Congo dans la poésie de Tchicaya U Tam’si. Canadian Association of African Studies, Toronto, 22 February, 1975.