Writings on Haiti and Haitian Kreyol

A sidelist of publications touching on Haiti and Haitian Kreyol, preceded by the Kreyol language Wiki on yours truly: https://ht.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lang


Review of Haitian Creole: Structure, Variation, Status, Origin. Albert  Valdman. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 33.1 (2018), pp. 203-205. JPCL Lang 33.1 PDF


Basilects in Creole LiteraturesJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, 20.1 pp. 85-99.


Primer of Haitian Literature in KreyòlResearch in African Literatures, 35.2, pp.128-140. (PDF)


Entwisted Tongues: Comparative Creole Literatures. Amsterdam: Rodopi Editions, 324 pp.

Translation from, to, and within the Atlantic CreolesTTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction 3.2, pp. 11-28.

Review of Islands and Exiles: The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature, Chris Bongie. Comparative Literature Studies, 37.2, pp. 258-60.


Islands, Enclaves, Continua: Notes toward a Comparative History of Caribbean Creole Literature. In History of Literatures in the Caribbean, A. James Arnold, ed.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 29-56.


One Man’s Sande: Roger Dorsinville’s Photographic InitiationResearch in African Literatures 26.4, pp. 151-167.

Two-Faced Literatures: A Caribbean Creole Dilemma. In Latin America as Its Literature, M.E. de Valdés, M. Valdés, R.A. Young, eds. Council on National Literatures World Report Vol. VIII. Whitestone, N.Y.: Council on National Literatures, pp. 188-201.

Literary Aspects of Creole Bibles, with Particular Reference to the Haitian Bib la. In Semper Aliquid Novi: Mélanges offerts à Albert Gérard, Littérature Comparée et Littératures d’Afrique, Alain Ricard et János Riesz, eds. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 123-130.


La Fontaine Transmogrified: Creole Proverbs and the Cric? Cric! of Georges SylvainThe French Review, 63.4, pp. 679-693.

Review of Pays natal, Max Dorsinville. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 14.2, pp. 326-329.