New Verse Review (@newversereview) on X
New Verse Review (@newversereview) on X
So a Shudder
** Québec
Heroic age
** Early or Late you woke
** accepted 25.XI.
Uncurated: The Case for a New Term of Art
Y Berlin Lit
Dixit ego = Dixi would suffice but I prefer the emphatic disjunctive
Grover Cleveland
Intellectuals consume their own supply …
These days I think of Sigismund Schlomo Freud who, in exile in London in 1939, would seen the collapse of his whole world on his deathbed.. That is not how I feel … yet.
The deeply deferential aspects of Persian.
Find Berryhill’s poem by AJ Stallings
Because the entourage assumed I was gay. This meant I was allowed prvileged access to the maestro’s woman, known for friendships with gays, though not with lesbians…. I’m afraid I disappointed her. I had taken her warmth toward me as a sign of sexual interest.
Those of us who have skeletal concavities know something about the centrality of vital organs (and here I’m not refering to the humans species).
This little piggy went to market