
Remapping revisited: how the hippocampus represents different spaces

André A. Fenton

Nature Reviews Neuroscience  volume 25, pages 428–448 (2024


Yassa, M.A., Stark, C.E.L. (2011) Pattern separation and the hippocampus. Trends in Neuroscience 34(10):515-525

Leal, S.L., Yassa, M.A. (2015) Neurocognitive aging and the hippocampus across species. Trends in Neurosciences 38(12): 800–812.

UC Irvine – Faculty Profile System

Remission from addiction: erasing the wrong circuits or making new ones? – Nature Reviews Neuroscience

 Time, Space and Memory  in the Hippocampal Formation, Derdikman et al.

This will come to you out of the blue. 

I am a 79 yo who retired in 2009 as Dean of Arts at uOttawa. I am also a PwP. Hence my interest in your lecture, which I shall attend with my wife, Nasrin Rahimieh, Associate Dean of Humanities for Academic Personal.

As a (concerned) amateur, I have been reading much popular neuroscience of late, including Erich Kandel, In Search of Memory; Linder,  The Accidental  Mind; MacDermott, 101 Theory Drive; and Brahic, The Power of Prions.

Also, I’ve written a blog piece on what happens when you have classic Parkinson’s, which I link here for what it’s worth: https://alteritas.net/GXL/?p=5189.

Could you suggest an article or two I should read before attending the Feb 4 lecture? I would be much obliged. 

George Lang 

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