RET for Parkinson’s, last appointment 2/26/2024
Patient and all participants provided verbal consent to be recorded using documentation assistance tool.
The patient, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, reports a general sense of well-being with more good days than bad. He has noticed a decline in coordination, particularly while swimming, an activity he has been engaged in since the previous February. Despite this, he continues to swim using a snorkel for safety.
The patient is currently on carbidopa, which he takes at 8 AM, 2 PM, and 8 PM, or at 7 AM, 1 PM, and 7 PM if he wakes up early.
He has also been using a cane, not for support, but as a reminder to slow down and avoid festinating.
The patient reports not having tremor as much anymore. He occasionally takes propranolol when he does experience tremors.