🔗🔗🔗 Links for My Instagram Accounts

Instagram forbids in-site links to non-Instagram sites, so here, for your convenience and when necessary, a compilation of links alluded to in my  IG accounts, the most recent first.


Delayed Reaction. Repost of a blog I wrote in 2000. https://alteritas.net/GXL/?p=5057 <@xerxesxerxes [26.01.23]

Forgotten Work.  One good work of verse deserves another. https://alteritas.net/GXL/?p=501  <@xerxesxerxes [18.11.22]

Humility. Perhaps the easiest part of learning from #aikido.  Thoughts on Aikido,. More Thoughts on Aikido. Some More Thoughts on Aikido.. < xerxesxerxes [07.11.22]

Chinon. Flashs of chaff in the sweet summer night … https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/chinon < @xerxesxerxes [05.11.22]   

Gossamer so
SheerPátzcuaro, whose lake’s glossy surface is where the membrane between life and death is thinnest. https://alteritas.net/pastis/gossamer-so-sheer/ < @xerxesxerxes [01.11.2022]

A Café in Vienna. I was into my third night of jet lag and needed a late supper. https://alteritas.net/GXL/?p=4312 / Schlafsofa  / Spare Couch. < @xerxesxerxes  [07.09.2022].

Ode  to a Cessna 172. I met this bush pilot in Guyana..  https://alteritas.net/GXL/?p=4228. < @geogeoplts [15.09.2022].

Reciprocity. Duckduck “confessional poetry”. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/collections/151109/an-introduction-to-confessional-poetry.    @Pastis _at_Bandol [26.08.2022]

Rain on Pines. Finally finished, that is abandoned, D’Annuzio’s amazing poem. https://alteritas.net/pastis/rain-on-pines. @Pastis_at_Bandol [09.06.2022}

Drahtseilkünstler – Tightrope Artist.  Download gratis this occasional PDF  publication of 7 poems in German by yours truly. < @georgelang13 [15.05.2022]

Global Warning. A poetics of epidemic proliferation.      https://alteritas.net/pastis/global-warning-2/ < @Pastis_at_Bandol [10.05.2022}

Dementia and other Delights. A meditation on the aftereffects of a colonoscopy.  https://alteritas.net/GXL/?page_id=4874?. < @Before I Forget [08.05.22]

Montale’s Lemons. A translation from my boyhood. “Gladiola” >>  https://alteritas.net/pastis/gladiola/. @Pastis_at_Bandol [26.05.2022]

Pushkins’s PleaA translation from my non-existent Russian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Petrovich_Gannibal. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcQnsz3pLC1/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

The  Best Part of a Fish. A comic poem from Collations:  https://alteritas.net/pastis/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Collations-.pdf. / @Pastis_at_Bandol [8.04.2022]

Viaticum, a poem. An increasingly drunken meditation on clouds, form and content https://alteritas.net/pastis/4553-2/
.. / @Pastis_at_Bandol [19.03.2022]

Trois poēmes de / Three Poems by René Depestre. An increasingly drunken meditation on clouds, form and content.  https://alteritas.net/GXL/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Trois-poemes .pdf. [17.03.2022]