
I tend to be not unsympathetic to rather uninterested in
complaints migrants, voluntary or not, make about cultural and linguistic displacement, since I knew by the age of fifteen that I didn’t want to be the American I was raised to be. I wanted out, myself. I did have some vague idea of the consequences.

Neumatt is miniseries turning around the dilemmas faced by bourgedis enterpreneurs, in this case family dairy farmers. There’sots of milk, plus a gamut of registers of Swiss German, a gay triangle, among other romantic / sexual relationships. Everyone ishappy in the end. Even the cows.

On Gramsci, Jm Lariri


On Human(ist[ic])Thought

Three popular poets.  Rilke, Neruda, Rumi.

Like water language flows downhill, seeking the easist path.

The Cartesian cogito ergo sum is itself part of consciousness hence unreliable, as any logician can tell you. Its either/or excluded middle proposition falls preys to Russell’s paradox, since it includes itself in what it ex- / in-cludes….

Law of excluded middle





Pinyin, a wonderful invention, is essentially part of the post-Roman  (alphabetic) world.

French to me is like a old lover whom I rarely see. Whenever I do so, in person or via memory…,


Quinault lands

I tend to be not unsympathetic to rather uninterested in complaints migrants, voluntary or not, make about cultural and linguistic displacement, since I knew by the age of fifteen that I didn’t want to be the American I was raised to be. I wanted out, myself. I did have some vague idea of the consequences.

On Gramsci, Jm Larira
