Groypers !!!



(bad bat shit)



Find the fioles poem. Plus Christening  Alexandrine  Bourdouxhe mss.

A love story between a Louisiana Creole and a Vietnamese refugee.

Sensei Tran Hiep Hoa 

After suffering … granny passed.

What a coincidence that SM is a cryptic form of both Social Media and SadoMasochism. X’d 17 March

Versify the best part of a fish

A redneck vegan meets a small L libertarian . She rocks his world but as is inevitable in good literature á in lìe, they each and both decide to 

Bring back Pessoa poem / O mar salgado …

Legality is fungible.   See Wiktionary

Gái mại dâm Việt Nam để xuất khẩu lao động Eprnr   Labor export

The ultimate phase of globalization is world war 

The matter with him is … 

Projects au pluriel


B i just realized that your mother would have lived the early years of her childhood during whatever conditions were prevailing in Tyrol during WW2.

Congrats on your business success. I almost went that route myself until I was 40, when I left Berkeley to return to Canada and to start an academic career. I doubt I had the stuff to do it properly, which was part of the reason for which I did it — it being here to work hard at business as a entrepreneur (in the wine business)….

I count it as significant that  

It’s not if, it’s when 


Jimenez trans

Portré-çila Princess Mononoke donn mwin sentimen for paske mô spiritwalité çé voudou, in kalité animisme épi animisme çé sentral dan portré-çila. Minm si baz-la çé japoné, ina bokou similarité ent lê dé ça fé mo gin gran sentimen ékan mo wa li.

All this cockamammy about 

I started out with hokey, then moved on to the harder stuff

On va un bout de temps dans les p’tite-z-Europes

The end of swing  read my Jazz

Som ne should tell vladimir Putin that Stalin signed the Brest xx treaty which more or less fixed the boundaries between the then Soviet and non-Soviet empires roughly what they were at the fall of the Soviet one.

Neurology Progress Note 17.06.24


RET for Parkinson’s, last appointment 2/26/2024 

Patient and all participants provided verbal consent to be recorded using documentation assistance tool. 

The patient, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, reports a general sense of well-being with more good days than bad. He has noticed a decline in coordination, particularly while swimming, an activity he has been engaged in since the previous February. Despite this, he continues to swim using a snorkel for safety.

The patient is currently on carbidopa, which he takes at 8 AM, 2 PM, and 8 PM, or at 7 AM, 1 PM, and 7 PM if he wakes up early. 

He has also been using a cane, not for support, but as a reminder to slow down and avoid festinating.

The patient reports not having tremor as much anymore. He occasionally takes propranolol when he does experience tremors.

PD and Diverticulitis

Based on the search results provided, there appears to be an association between colonic diverticular disease (CDD) and an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD):

The first study12 found that the risk of Parkinson’s disease was 27% higher in the CDD cohort compared to the control group without CDD. Specifically, CDD patients aged 65 and older had a 1.25-fold increased risk of developing PD compared to those without CDD in the same age group.

The proposed mechanisms linking CDD and PD risk include:14

  1. The abnormal accumulation of alpha-synuclein in enteric neurons, which causes autonomic dysfunction and gastrointestinal hypomotility, leading to the development of diverticula.
  2. The altered gut microbiome in PD patients, which can promote Lewy body pathology and intestinal inflammation, contributing to CDD.

In conclusion, the available evidence suggests that colonic diverticular disease may be associated with an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Patients with CDD should be monitored for signs of PD, as the risk of this neurodegenerative disorder appears to be higher in this population.12


Multidirectional associations between the gut microbiota and Parkinson’s disease, updated information from the perspectives of humoral pathway, cellular immune pathway and neuronal pathway.

Three causes: 1) genetic, 2) environmental toxins and 3) gut malfunction, which, alas, just kicks the can down the road, since where does the gut malfunction come from.

  1. Mother had it. 
  1. I was raised in the East End of Houston, known for chemical affluents.
  1. Before my onset, I had diverticulitis, and was successfully operated on for it.

Approach to the Exam for Parkinson’s Disease

Caffeine, chocolate, and adenosine antagonism in Parkinson’s disease

Personality traits and brain dopaminergic function in Parkinson’s disease | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


East End Hustle, Frank Vitale, et al

Portrait-robot / East End Hustle

Programmation 2021-2022 de Club illico : une année exceptionnelle pour les passionnés de fiction !Programmation 2021-2022 de Club illico : une année exceptionnelle pour les passionnés de fiction !


Andrée Pelletier

East End Hustle (1976) ⭐ 4.6 | Action, Crime, Drama

East End Hustle

DVD Talk

East End Hustle

Frank Vitale was born on March 8, 1945 in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. He is a director and producer, known for Montreal Main (1974), Anorgasmia (2017) and 10 Years of Thomas & Friends (1999).

Montreal Main

The Rubber Gun (1977) ⭐ 6.6 | Crime, Drama

Anorgasmia (2017) | Drama

No Reservations: Frank Vitale Goes Behind the Scenes with Anthony Bourdain in Naples

Viet phonology < Wiki


Finals : When stops /p, t, k/ occur at the end of words, they have no audible release ([p̚, t̚, k̚]):

đáp ‘to reply’ /ɗap/ [ɗap̚]
mát ‘cool’ /mat/ [mat̚]
khác ‘different’ /xak/ [xak̚]

 When the velar consonants /k, ŋ/ are after /u, o, ɔ/, they are articulated with a simultaneous bilabial closure [k͡p̚, ŋ͡m] (i.e. doubly articulated) or are strongly labialized [k̚ʷ, ŋʷ].

đục ‘murky’ /ɗuk/ [ɗuk͡p̚], [ɗʊk̚ʷ]
độc ‘poison’ /ɗok/ [ɗə̆wk͡p̚], [ɗə̆wk̚ʷ]
đọc ‘to read’ /ɗɔk/ [ɗăwk͡p̚], [ɗăwk̚ʷ]
ung ‘cancer’ /uŋ/ [uŋ͡m], [ʊŋʷ]
ông ‘man’/’grandfather’ /oŋ/ [ə̆wŋ͡m], [ə̆wŋʷ]
ong ‘bee’ /ɔŋ/ [ăwŋ͡m], [ăwŋʷ]

Hanoi finals

Analysis of final ch, nh

The pronunciation of syllable-final ch and nh in Hanoi Vietnamese has had different analyses. One analysis, that of Thompson (1965) has them as being phonemes /c, ɲ/, where /c/ contrasts with both syllable-final t /t/ and c /k/, and /ɲ/ contrasts with syllable-final n /n/ and ng /ŋ/. Final /c, ɲ/ is, then, identified with syllable-initial /c, ɲ/.

Another analysis has final ⟨ch⟩ and ⟨nh⟩ as representing different spellings of the velar phonemes /k/ and /ŋ/ that occur after upper front vowels /i/ (orthographic ⟨i⟩) and /e/ (orthographic ⟨ê⟩). This analysis interprets orthographic ⟨ach⟩ and ⟨anh⟩ as an underlying /ɛ/, which becomes phonetically open and diphthongized: /ɛk/ → [ăjk̟̚], /ɛŋ/ → [ăjŋ̟].[10] This diphthongization also affects ⟨êch⟩ and ⟨ênh⟩: /ek/ → [ə̆jk̟̚], /eŋ/ → [ə̆jŋ̟].

Arguments for the second analysis include the limited distribution of final [c] and [ɲ], the gap in the distribution of [k] and [ŋ] which do not occur after [i] and [e], the pronunciation of ⟨ach⟩ and ⟨anh⟩ as [ɛc] and [ɛɲ] in certain conservative central dialects,[11] and the patterning of [k]~[c] and [ŋ]~[ɲ] in certain reduplicated words. Additionally, final [c] is not articulated as far forward as the initial [c]: [c] and [ɲ] are pre-velar [k̟, ŋ̟] with no alveolar contact.[12]

The first analysis closely follows the surface pronunciation of a slightly different Hanoi dialect than the second. In this dialect, the /a/ in /ac/ and /aɲ/ is not diphthongized but is actually articulated more forward, approaching a front vowel [æ]. This results in a three-way contrast between the rimes ăn [æ̈n] vs. anh [æ̈ɲ] vs. ăng [æ̈ŋ]. For this reason, a separate phonemic /ɲ/ is posited.

Table of Hanoi finals

The following rimes ending with velar consonants have been diphthongized in the Hanoi dialect, but /i/, /u/ and /ɨ/ are more open:[11]

ong, oc /awŋ/, /awk/ [ăwŋ͡m], [ăwk͡p̚]
ông, ôc /əwŋ/, /əwk/ [ə̆wŋ͡m], [ə̆wk͡p̚]
ung, uc /uŋ/, /uk/ [ʊŋ͡m], [ʊk͡p̚]
ưng, ưc, ưn, ưt /ɨŋ/, /ɨk/, /ɨn/, /ɨt/ [ɯ̽ŋ], [ɯ̽k̟̚], [ɯ̽n], [ɯ̽t̚]
anh, ach /ɛŋ/, /ɛk/ [ăjŋ̟], [ăjk̟̚]
ênh, êch /eŋ/, /ek/ [ə̆jŋ̟], [ə̆jk̟̚]
inh, ich /iŋ/, /ik/ [ɪŋ̟], [ɪk̟̚]

With the above phonemic analyses, the following is a table of rimes ending in /n, t, ŋ, k/ in the Hanoi dialect:

/ă/ /a/ /ɛ/ /ɔ/, /aw/ /ə̆/ /ə/ /e/ /o/ /i/ /ɨ/ /u/ /iə̯/ /ɨə̯/ /uə̯/
/n/ ăn an en on ân ơn ên ôn in ưn un iên ươn uôn
/t/ ăt at et ot ât ơt êt ôt it ưt ut iêt ươt uôt
/ŋ/ ăng ang anh ong âng ênh ông inh ưng ung iêng ương uông
/k/ ăc ac ach oc âc êch ôc ich ưc uc iêc ươc uôc