Snapshot from Berlin

Is that a boy or a girl
she’s flirting across
the table with, sharing

a plate and pix on a phone?
Why do I care? He has
long hair but seems slight

from behind. She clearly
cares for him without
caring if he’s a man.

Maybe he’s not. At this
angle I can’t see if there
is more hair on his face

than a woman would
allow herself. When they
leave, they share the bill.

The third day in Berlin, deep in the throes of jet lag with all the good and bad that entails, I stumbled onto a wonderful little Kneipe on the Oranienburger Str, Meilenstein. I sat down on the short leg of the bar with a view on everything and read. Jotted down this poem, plus one in German (in the holding zone for the moment). Drank too much Riesling. The next day was a total waste.  In Truth Serum.